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Exploring the World from a New Perspective: The Best Apps for Viewing Cities by Satellite

Since the first satellite launches, humanity has been fascinated by the panoramic view they provide of Earth. Today, with the advancement of technology, we can explore cities, towns and remote landscapes around the world through applications that allow us to access high-resolution satellite images. These apps not only allow us to indulge our curiosity, but are also powerful tools for urban planning, tourism and education. In this article, we will explore some of the best apps for viewing cities from satellite.

Google Earth

Google Earth is perhaps the most popular application for viewing cities from satellite. Developed by Google, it offers high-resolution images from virtually anywhere in the world. With features like Street View, which lets you explore streets at ground level, and Timelapse, which shows how landscapes have changed over time, Google Earth offers an immersive and educational viewing experience.

NASA Worldview


For those looking for real-time satellite imagery, NASA Worldview is the ideal choice. This app offers access to a wide range of images sourced from various NASA missions, including MODIS, VIIRS and Landsat. With an intuitive interface, users can explore weather events, seasonal changes and natural phenomena in real time, providing a deeper understanding of the processes that shape our planet.

Bing Maps

Another popular option for viewing cities via satellite is Bing Maps, developed by Microsoft. In addition to offering high-resolution images, Bing Maps also includes features like real-time traffic directions, public transportation information, and 3D panoramic views, making it a valuable tool for travelers and urban planners.



Mapbox is a mapping platform that offers a wide range of tools and services for developers and businesses. Its set of APIs allows the creation of personalized applications for satellite city visualization, with customization options ranging from choosing the image source to integrating real-time geospatial data.

Sentinel Hub


Developed by the company Sinergise, Sentinel Hub offers access to high-resolution satellite images from the European Space Agency's Sentinel satellite constellation. In addition to viewing recent images, users can also access an extensive image history, enabling long-term analysis of environmental and urban changes.


Satellite city view apps offer a window into the world, allowing us to explore and better understand our planet in a way that has never been possible before. From Google Earth to Sentinel Hub, there are a wide variety of options available to meet the needs of anyone interested in exploring the world around them.


Thank you for following this article about satellite city viewing apps. We hope you found useful information and inspiration to explore the world in a whole new way. If you want to continue your journey of discovery, we recommend checking out our other articles on technology, travel and science.

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